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Jack Ladd
Attorney Jack Ladd manages Morales Law Office's Midland Office location. He is a fourth-generation Midlander and current City Councilman for District 3. Jack is an Eagle Scout, a graduate of Midland High School, The University of Texas at Austin, and Texas Tech University where he earned an MBA and JD simultaneously. Jack has run successful Republican campaigns for the US House of Representatives and Texas House. He is a practicing attorney and former legislative staffer for US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and State Representative Tryon Lewis. He is married to wife Elana Ladd. Jack is licensed to practice in both Texas and New Mexico.
Practice Areas:
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
- Wills and Trusts
- Corporate Law
Educational Background:
Law School:
Texas Tech School of Law, Lubbock, TX, May 2012, J.D.
The University of Texas, Austin, TX, 2005, B.A. History
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice:
Texas, 2012
New Mexico, 2013
Honors and Awards:
- Eagle Scout
- Advanced Mock Trial Champion, Texas Tech School of Law, 2012
Current/Past Affiliations:
- City Councilman, Midland, TX, November 2019 - Present
- Metropolitan Planning Organization, Vice Chairman
- Midland Parks and Recreation Commission, Committee Member
- Aphasia Center of West Texas, Board Member
- Harmony Home, Odessa, TX, Board Member
- Young Professionals of Odessa, Founding Member
Relevant Past Employment Positions:
Atkins, Hollman, Peacock, Lyon, Lewis, and Durrell
- Odessa, TX
- Associate
- June 2012 – August 2014