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Austin, TX Drug Crimes Attorney

Criminal Defense Lawyers Representing Clients in Drug Cases in Travis County, Williamson County, Midland County, and Ector County
Criminal cases involving illegal drugs and controlled substances can have dire consequences for those who are accused of violating state or federal laws. Even charges related to the possession of small amounts of illegal substances can lead to severe punishments, and in many cases, prosecutors may add additional charges related to selling or distributing drugs. Whether you are charged with a low-level drug crime or have been accused of participating in a major drug conspiracy, you need a criminal defense attorney on your side who can provide you with representation and help you achieve positive results in your case.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. offers experienced and dedicated representation in cases involving drug crimes and other criminal charges. With more than 50 years of combined experience, our lawyers know the best strategies for success in drug cases. We will help you determine how to respond to an investigation, and we will make sure you understand your options for receiving reduced charges or probation. While we can work to negotiate a plea bargain or other agreements with prosecutors, we approach every case as if it will go to trial. We are fully prepared to advocate on your behalf in front of a judge or jury and seek an acquittal.
State and Federal Drug Charges
The severity of drug charges can vary significantly depending on the nature of the charges and the types and amounts of drugs involved. A person may be charged with drug possession if they are found to have controlled substances on their person, in their vehicle, or in their residence. When cases are prosecuted at the state level in Texas, the specific charges will depend on which "penalty group" the drugs are included in, with Penalty Group 1 containing the substances that are considered most harmful, such as heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, fentanyl, or opium.
Possession of substances in Penalty Group 1 will result in felony charges, which come with significant jail sentences and large fines. Possession of drugs in other penalty groups may be charged as a misdemeanor, although felony charges will typically apply for large amounts of controlled substances. Marijuana is also considered a controlled substance in Texas, and the minimum charge for possession of cannabis is a Class B misdemeanor. Possession of THC, including in liquids, oils, or edibles, is more serious, with a state jail felony being the minimum charge.
If a person is accused of drug manufacturing or trafficking, they will typically face more serious consequences. These charges may apply if a person was in possession of large amounts of drugs, if they were found with equipment or items involved in manufacturing or packaging illegal drugs, or if they are accused of transporting, delivering, or selling controlled substances. As with drug possession, the specific charges will depend on the applicable penalty group and the amount of controlled substances involved. In many cases, felony charges will apply, and a person may face significant jail time and large fines.
Certain types of drug crimes may also be prosecuted at the federal level. Federal charges will typically apply if drugs were transported across state lines or if a person was involved in a large-scale drug conspiracy. These cases may involve federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and federal prosecutors will often have significant resources at their disposal to pursue a conviction. Those who are facing federal drug charges should be sure to work with an attorney who is experienced in defending cases in federal courts.
Contact Our Austin Drug Charges Defense Attorneys
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we can provide you with the defense you need against drug charges. We will help you understand whether you may be eligible for deferral programs such as first-offender probation, and we will help you take the best steps to minimize the consequences you may face. Contact us at 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 to schedule a free initial consultation and receive the defense you need. We work with clients throughout Travis County, Williamson County, Hays County, Ector County, and Midland County, including Austin, Georgetown, Odessa, and Midland. Hablamos Español.