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Sexual Assault Defense Attorneys in Austin

Travis County Lawyers for Clients Accused of Rape, Statutory Rape, and Forcible Sexual Conduct
The mere allegation of sexual assault has the power to turn your world inside out. In today's world, sex crime allegations often lead to the public presumption of guilt long before any evidence is presented. If the accusations have merit and formal charges are filed against you, things become even more difficult, as a conviction could carry consequences such as an extended prison sentence, hefty fines, and mandatory registration as a sex offender.
The experienced criminal defense team at Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. in Austin, Texas, has been protecting the rights of criminal defendants for more than 25 years. We have handled many cases involving allegations of sexual assault, many of which were exaggerated or altogether groundless. If you have been accused of any type of sexual assault, you need legal help immediately—especially if the accusations are false! Our attorneys will go right to work in protecting your rights and helping secure your future.
Texas Sexual Assault Laws
Under Texas law, there are many different offenses that are formally categorized as sexual assault. The severity of the charges and the penalties associated with a conviction vary based on the circumstances of a given situation. Generally, sexual assault refers to unwanted or non-consensual sexual contact against another person. To be considered sexual assault, the act in question must involve oral, genital, or anal contact or penetration involving another person. Other types of non-consensual or unwanted contact may be prosecuted as offenses other than sexual assault.
A multitude of factors could affect the classification of behavior as sexual assault according to Texas law, including the actions or contact in question, the age of the alleged victim, and more. In most cases, sexual assault is a second-degree felony, which carries a possible prison sentence of up to 20 years and fines up to $10,000. If a weapon or incapacitating drug was used in the commission of a sexual assault, the charge may be elevated to aggravated sexual assault, which is a first-degree felony. Aggravated sexual assault charges are also possible if the alleged victim was seriously injured. A conviction on aggravated sexual assault charges could result in up to life in prison.
Building Your Defense in Williamson County
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we understand that, in many sexual assault cases, there is often very little physical evidence, if any. This means the case could boil down one person's word against another. In such a situation, the issue of consent is likely to be an important factor. If the alleged victim (of legal age and mental capacity) consented to the behavior in question, no sexual assault occurred.
When you contact our firm, our team will go to work immediately in investigating the circumstances surrounding the charges against you. You will have the opportunity to provide your version of the events in question so that we know where to begin. Armed with the necessary information, we will do everything we can to show that you acted in good faith and within the bounds of the law.
Protecting Your Future
Our attorneys recognize that, depending on the circumstances, it may be beneficial to negotiate with prosecutors to facilitate a favorable outcome to your case. In such a situation, we will communicate openly and honestly with you so that you can make fully informed decisions regarding how to proceed. Your best option, however, might be to take your case to trial and to defend your innocence in front of a judge or jury. At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we treat every case as if it will eventually go to court, and we are prepared to litigate aggressively on your behalf if necessary.
Let Us Help You
For more information about defending against sexual assault charges in Texas, contact our office. Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team today. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as part of our commitment to you. We defend clients in Austin, Midland, Odessa, Georgetown, Travis County, Midland County, Hays County, Ector County, Williamson County, and the surrounding communities. Hablamos Español.