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Travis County Jail Release Attorneys

Lawyers for Personal Bonds and Walk-Throughs in Austin, Texas
When your loved one has been arrested and charged with a crime, it is understandable that you would not want him or her to spend any more time in jail than is absolutely necessary. The road ahead will be challenging enough without having to worry about the stress of your family member or friend being incarcerated while his or her case is pending. If the arrest occurred in Travis County, Texas, we may be able to help get your loved one out of jail so that you can begin planning what to do next.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we recognize the impact that an unexpected arrest of a family member can have on your life. We also realize how difficult it can be to make progress in building an effective defense when the defendant in question is sitting in jail. With these ideas in mind, our team of qualified criminal defense attorneys will work with you and your loved one to get him or her home as quickly as possible. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we are ready to help at a moment's notice.
Personal Bonds and Cash Deposit Bonds
According to the policies and guidelines of Travis County, a criminal defendant who has been arrested can be released from jail by posting one of several types of bond. Depending on the circumstances, such a bond may require a substantial cash deposit, or the bond may be granted based on a sworn agreement between the defendant and the county.
Bonds that do not require a deposit are known as personal bonds. Most people who are arrested in Travis County will be interviewed by the county's Pretrial Services Office to determine their eligibility for a personal bond. The interview and release process can take many hours depending on the day, time, and the number of arrestees being processed. Our lawyers, however, may be able to speed things along for your loved one. This is possible because, as attorneys, we can meet with the client in jail, gather the information needed for pre-trial, fill out the necessary paperwork, and meet personally with the judge to advocate for the client's release.
Our team is prepared to go right to work in securing your loved one's release the moment you call. In many cases, we can reduce the processing time substantially. In other situations, the Pretrial Services Office may refuse to approve a personal bond. As attorneys licensed in the state of Texas, we are able to take the personal bond directly to the magistrate judge to seek approval. Regardless of the bond type that has been set for your loved one's case, our team will do everything we can to get him or her out of jail quickly. No cosigner needed.
Walk-Through Attorneys in Central Texas
Did you know that it could be possible to arrange a jail-release bond before you are even arrested? If there is currently a warrant out for your arrest, you might be able to make arrangements for a special type of bond known as a "walk-through." With a walk-through bond that is pre-approved by the court, you will not spend any more time in jail than is necessary to facilitate your processing. All of the required paperwork and fees will be filed before you are arrested—or you turn yourself in to the authorities. After processing, you will be immediately released according to the conditions of your bond.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we can assist you in exploring your options for a walk-through bond if you are in danger of being arrested. Most criminal charges are eligible for this type of bond, and we will provide the guidance you need at every stage of the process. We can also help you build an aggressive, responsible defense against whatever charges you may be facing.
Call 512-474-2222 Today
If a family member or friend has been arrested, contact our office right away so that we can begin working on getting him or her released from jail. Call 512-474-2222 at any time of the day or night. Free consultations are available, as well. We provide assistance with jail-release bonds in Austin and throughout Travis County. Hablamos Español.