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Austin DWI Defense Lawyers

Attorney Providing Strong Defense in Drunk Driving Cases in Austin, TX
In an average year, thousands of Texans are stopped and arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated (DWI). Many individuals are ultimately convicted, leaving them to face a wide range of criminal penalties and other consequences. If you have been arrested and charged with DWI in Texas, your entire future could be in jeopardy. With this in mind, it is crucial to work closely with a law firm that is experienced and knowledgeable in DWI cases.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. in Austin, TX, our attorneys have represented clients charged with DWI for more than 25 years. We are well versed in the laws that apply to such cases, and we are equipped to provide the guidance and representation you need to protect your best interests. Our team is proud of the reputation we have earned, not just with our clients but also among judges, law enforcement, and our peers in the legal community as fair, honest, and reliable defense attorneys. When you are facing charges for DWI, you can depend on us to help you obtain the best outcome possible under the circumstances.
Drunk Driving Defense in Midland County and Ector County
Some DWI cases involve relatively more serious charges than others do, but in the state of Texas, no DWI charge is considered minor. Any charge related to drunk driving is extremely serious and carries the potential for severe criminal penalties. If you are convicted of DWI, you could face time in jail, expensive fines, and the suspension or revocation of your driver's license, even if it is your first offense. A conviction will also result in a permanent entry on your criminal history that could cause difficulties for you down the road.
As with many criminal offenses in Texas, the level of a DWI charge and the associated penalties may vary based on a variety of factors. For example, a "standard" first DWI charge is usually a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail, fines of up to $2,000, and the suspension of your driving privileges for 90 days to one year. The court could also place you on probation (community supervision) for a period of up to two years as well. A second-offense DWI is a Class A misdemeanor. Penalties for a conviction may include fines not to exceed $4,000, up to one year in jail, a driver's license suspension of up to two years, and up to two years of community supervision.
If you are accused of DWI with a child passenger, however, the charge is likely to be a state jail felony, with potential penalties that include up to two years in state jail, fines of up to $10,000, and a license suspension of up to two years. Our attorneys will work with you to ensure that you fully understand the charges you are facing and the possible consequences of a conviction.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we have the knowledge, experience, and resources to help you defend against all types of DWI charges, including:
- First-offense DWI
- Second, third, and subsequent DWI charges
- Underage DWI or DUI
- DWI with a child passenger under age 15
- DWI cases involving bodily injury or death
We can also help you with issues pertaining to the suspension and reinstatement of your driver's license following a DWI-related arrest.
Protecting Your Best Interests
When you choose our firm to represent you in your Texas DWI case, you become part of a team that is committed to protecting your future. Our lawyers will carefully investigate the circumstances of your arrest and the series of events that preceded it. We will review all available evidence and information, including the police officer's behavior and justification for initiating the traffic stop that led to the charges. A mistake or lapse in judgment by the officer could lead to the reduction or even the full dismissal of the charges against you.
At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we will work through every detail that could be helpful in building your defense. From there, we will help you decide on the best course of action for your specific situation. From the negotiating table to the courtroom, our team is prepared to fight on your behalf. We pledge to remain at your side throughout every stage of the proceedings.
Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 Today
If you have been arrested and charged with DWI, contact our office right away. Call 512-474-2222 or 432-570-1499 at any time of the day or night, including on weekends, for a free consultation. Our firm represents clients in Austin, Midland, Odessa, Georgetown, Travis County, Midland County, Hays County, Ector County, Williamson County, and the surrounding communities. Hablamos Español.