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4 Mistakes to Avoid When Facing Criminal Charges in Texas
If you are facing criminal charges, you might feel stressed and overwhelmed. This can be particularly true if this is your first time having this experience. Your actions at this critical time can impact your case, so it is important to know about common mistakes to avoid. To learn more, speak with an experienced Austin, TX criminal defense attorney.
Mistake 1: Not Remaining Silent
A common mistake people can make when they are under investigation or arrested is speaking with the police without a lawyer. Anything you say can be used against you later on in court. People mistakenly think if they answer questions and are cooperative, this can help prove their innocence, and if they demand a lawyer, it can make them seem guilty.
The truth is with the stakes of criminal charges so high, you can never be too careful and answering questions without legal guidance can end up hurting you. You should always exercise your right to remain silent and have an attorney present before you answer any questions.
Mistake 2: Ignoring Important Dates and Deadlines
Your case can suffer if you miss court dates or paperwork deadlines. In Texas, if you miss a court date, you can be given additional charges, for example for failing to appear in court. It could even result in an arrest warrant against you. Pay close attention to any dates you are given by the court, and if anything is unclear, consult with an attorney to ensure that you meet all requirements.
Mistake 3: Posting on Social Media
If you are facing criminal charges, everything you post online can be examined. Even if you think you are writing something innocent, your words can still be twisted and then used against you. When you post a photo, status update, or comment, your social media conduct might contradict your defense or be used by the prosecution to make you look bad in court. To protect yourself, it is advisable to avoid posting on social media until your case is resolved.
Mistake 4: Trying to Handle the Case Alone
Some people think they should represent themselves to save money and time. The truth is that Texas criminal laws can be complicated. There can be serious and unnecessary consequences if you try to navigate the process without an experienced lawyer. An attorney who understands the law, can challenge evidence, and can negotiate for favorable outcomes can make a massive difference.
Schedule a Free Consultation with an Austin, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you are facing criminal charges, one of the best things you can do to protect yourself is to hire a knowledgeable Midland, TX criminal defense attorney. At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we have years of experience aggressively fighting for our clients’ rights and we are dedicated to helping you avoid mistakes and protect your best interests as you face your charges. Call us at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation.